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Why Did Millennials Spend Less Over 2024 Amazon Prime Day?

Millennials weren’t inspired to shop over 2024 Amazon Prime Day, with fewer Millennial consumers spending less during this popular sales event, according to the latest Amazon Prime Day data. That’s remarkable because Millennial consumers usually show up ready to spend on Prime Day events — and they’ve historically spent more year after year up until 2024.

A Portrait of the Millennial Consumer 

Millennial shoppers are savvy, technologically proficient, budget-minded, and value-focused consumers who tend to prize: 

  • Authenticity 

  • Quality over quantity

  • Social proof from real people (including influencers), rather than celebrities

  • Convenience and ease of the shopping experience, including straightforward options for online chatting, in-app purchases, and returns if needed

Often juggling debt, new careers, and growing families, Millennial consumers contribute to roughly a quarter of all retail spending, making them key not just to Amazon’s bottom line but to increasing revenues for most retailers across the board. 

Millennial Spending on 2024 Prime Day

Millennial shoppers spent ~$78.4 million on 2024 Prime Day. Although that made Millennials the second highest spenders (by generation) over this sales event, this group spent ~1.3% less than they did over 2023 Prime Day. 

Notably, the average Millennial ticket totaled nearly $93, which was roughly on par with the average ticket for Gen X consumers.

4 Reasons Millennials May Have Spent Less on 2024 Amazon Prime Day

Millennial consumers may have skipped Prime Day deals in 2024 for multiple reasons, including those below.

1. Debt Squeeze 

2. Savings

3. Experiences Over Possessions

4. The Competition

Retailer Takeaways

Connecting the dots and analyzing the latest data more deeply can show retailers how some of the most responsive shoppers are reacting to the current economic climate — and what’s repelling versus attracting them when it’s time to make a purchase.  

As retailers plan year-end sales events, taking the latest Prime Day data into consideration can empower more insightful decisions for sharper competitive edges.

About Facteus

Facteus is a trusted retail transaction data provider, recognized nationally for extraordinary data sets, innovative data tools, and excellence in the alternative data industry. 

With turnkey solutions to fuel better decisions in real-time, Facteus turbocharges retailer strategies, consumer insights, and competitor intelligence across several sectors via SKU-level data,  CPG data, debit and credit card transaction data, and so much more. 

That’s why more retailers, investors, and others rely on Facteus data when it’s time for next-level insights, better data, and unprecedented growth.  

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