Money Talks is an alternative data blog focused on where people are spending their money.
It uncovers interesting insights about how people are ‘talking’ with their dollars.
What can you learn by looking into transaction data? Money Talks has the answers.
Sports Betting is Growing Fast!
With the World Cup starting, sports betting is growing FAST, customer data shows. Here’s why & what alternative data trends are emerging.
Instacart & Grocery Delivery is Here to Stay
We’re spending nearly 4X more with Instacart than in 2019 pre-pandemic times, alternative data trends show.
US Inflation Affecting Fast Food (QSR) Prices?
The average fast food visit is up 7% from January of 2021, alternative data & customer spending trends show. See what’s driving these changes & what it means for the future.
DTC Optical Market Share Growth
TC Optical brands have been gaining huge market share in the optical category for the past 4 years, the latest customer spending & alternative data show. See how that growth has spiked recently.
Black Friday Retailer Shopping Acceleration
Check out the latest Black Friday retail shopping data & insights, revealed by the latest customer spending & alternative data.
US Inflation Affecting Grocery Bills?
Grocery store transactions have surged recently, credit card & customer spending data shows. Here’s how much grocery spend has increased & what insights we can glean from the alternative data.
Prime Day Spend Acceleration
We used consumer credit card transaction data to analyze Prime Day spending. Here’s what we found & how much customer spending has surged over the past year.
Movie Theater Spend Acceleration
Guess who spent more to see Top Gun: Maverick vs. Jurassic World? See the story told by credit card spending & alternative data. Hint: you’ll be surprised!
Indexed Coffee Spend by Generation
Gen Z & Millennial coffee spending increased while Gen X & Boomer coffee spending decreased, the alternative data reveals. Here’s what’s behind these numbers & what insights you can glean from them.
How Did Wayfair's Annual Promotion Way Day Do This Year?
Discover how customer spending changed before & after “Way Day” via the most comprehensive credit card spending & customer data around.
Has Netflix Price Inelasticity Finally Snapped?
Transaction data gives us a chance to track Netflix customers’ responses to pricing changes in real time, top alternative data providers explain. Here’s how.